AWS Application Migration and Modernisation

AWS Application Migration from Anaeko

Achieve quick and cost-effective AWS Application Migrations with Anaeko. Our approach focuses on business goals and delivers the true benefits of AWS cloud. We deliver a complete solution from business case analysis to roll-out, training and support. For each application workload identified we build a business case that considers total cost of ownership TCO and benefits versus risks. Our AWS-certified experts use trusted migration frameworks, automated deployment, and tools to deliver migration and modernisation that leverages the full potential of AWS cloud services:

Focus on Business Outcomes

Safely Migrate Applications and Data

Increase Security Posture and Compliance

Optimise Cost of Service Delivery

Modernise Workload Platforms

Anaeko’s Migration Service delivers

AWS Application Migration

Outcomes-based success: Focus on business goals, transparent TCO, and optimal use of cloud capabilities for business benefit.

Increased Security: Automated deployment of secure landing zone, and application of data encryption, backup, and access.

aws cloud readiness assessment engagement

Low Risk: Quick-win pilot delivery to build stakeholder confidence, followed by rapid phased delivery with support.

Choose Anaeko as your AWS Migration Expert

We engage with your stakeholders on application and data workload discovery, and plan for migration and modernisation based on agreed success criteria and priorities. Our multi-disciple engineering team will deliver using established frameworks and tools and ensure alignment to the AWS Well-Architected Framework and industry best practice. As part of our migration and modernisation service we will:

1. Plan

Discovery with TCO analysis per workload and high-level plan.

2. Prove

Establish a secure landing zone and migrate the first workload.

3. Implement

Rapid phased rollout of existing workloads.

4. Support

Operations training and ongoing support, with option of managed services.

AWS Application Migration and Modernisation services from Anaeko enable organisations to achieve their business objectives and goals in AWS Cloud.

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As part of Application Migration and Modernisation Service Anaeko Provides:

Discovery: Our stakeholder engagement and TCO analysis for identified application and data workloads delivers an AWS Application migration strategy and plan with focus on successful business outcomes.

Secure Landing Zone: Automated deployment of a secure cloud landing zone for your applications and data, aligned to the AWS Well-Architected Framework and industry security guidelines.

Rapid Migration: Our methodology is to start, with an initial pilot to prove value and build stakeholder confidence that generates momentum for a phased rollout of broader application and data workloads.

Modernisation: We go beyond a lift & shift (ReHost) approach to address all aspects of AWS Well-Architected principles made possible by running in AWS cloud, such as right-sizing compute and storage capacity for cost optimisation. Anaeko can deliver RePlatform and ReArchitect options.

Enhanced Data Security: Central to our migration approach is to leverage AWS capabilities to enhance data protection, such as access control policies, encryption in transit and at rest, automated backup, and disaster recovery.

aws cloud readiness assessment empowerment

Managed Services: Anaeko can optionally provide full hosting services with our DevOps team supporting your applications under a managed services agreement.

AWS recommends repeating your AWS Well-Architected Review after 6 months.